Description: |
Women and girls whose menstrual periods are one or more weeks late are advised to have a pregnancy test. These tests are free at primary health clinics and other health facilities. Pregnancy testing kits can be bought at a pharmacy or accessed via your private healthcare provider. The pregnancy test requires a urine sample and the nurse will as you for a sample in order to perform the pregnancy test. Once the pregnancy has been confirmed there are several options open to you. For the client that wants to continue with the pregnancy, she will be referred to health facilities called Midwife Obstetric Units (MOUs). These are birthing units run by midwives in the community for primary health care patients. If the mother decides not to continuewith her pregnancy, she is entitled to ask about other options including Choice of Termination of Pregnancy and will be assisted appropriately.. |
Instructions: |
If you are a first-time visitor to a health facility, you will be asked to fill out a form and a folder will be opened. Bring your ID book, any medication you are taking, and a clinic or hospital card, if previously registered at the facility. |
Provided At: |
These facility categories: |
Government Body: | (Western Cape Government) |
Price: |
Tests are free at state health facilities but check for availability, especially in rural areas. |