Value Added Tax (VAT) - Tax on the production and distribution of goods and services. In South Africa 14% VAT is added to the cost of an item when it is produced or distributed.
Veto - The power to reject a decision, even though the majority of people have accepted it.
For example, the President has a right to veto legislation if he thinks that it is unconstitutional, even though parliament has voted to pass the law.
Virology - Study of viruses and viral diseases.
Visa - A legal document that says that you can lawfully enter the country. There are different kinds of visa that allow you to remain in the country for different lengths of time.
For example a student visa will allow you stay for longer than a holiday visa.
Viticulture - Cultivation of grapevines.
Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) - Non-compulsory testing for HIV that includes pre- and post test counselling.
Voters' roll - The list of registered voters. You cannot vote unless your name appears on the voters' roll.
Voting station - Official place in your area where you are required to go to cast your vote.