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Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: F
Government guidelines, manuals and instructions, listed alphabetically by title.
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(File type: pdf; size: 121.22 KB)Western Cape Government
This publication is the outcome of the Western Cape Growth and Development Summit held in November 2003. Government, organised business, organised labour and civil socity participated in the summit and agreed on the need for a common vision promoting rising levels of growth, investment, equity, job creation and people-centred development. This framework document explores how different stakeholders can contribute to implementation of the agreed growth and development strategy.
(File type: pdf; size: 301.71 KB)Ministry of Finance (National)
The finance industry and government created this Charter. It commits to give financial services to households and communities who had been excluded in the past. The targets of the charter come into effect on 1 January 2004, and remain in effect until the end of December 2014. A voluntary target has been set for finance companies to hold 25% black ownership by 2010. This Charter is broadly supported by South Africa's banks, insurers, black business, fund managers and brokerage units. The financial services industry will be reviewed by a Charter Council in 2011 and 2015.
(File type: pdf; size: 330.54 KB)Ministry of Finance (National)
The Financial Scorecard outlines how the South African Financial Industry can reach targets of employment equity by 2008 on a year-by-year basis. These targets are: 25% at executive level, 20 to 25% at senior level, 30% at middle level, 40 to 50% at junior level, 33% at board level.