Policies: C | Western Cape Government

Policies: C

Government policies listed alphabetically. These policies are also listed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
Department of Health (National) (The Government of South Africa)
Defines comprehensive Primary Health Care services in South Africa and quantifies the requirements in terms of staffing, infrastructure, equipment and financial resources.
(File type: pdf; size: 194.02 KB)Department of Public Service and Administration (National) (The Government of South Africa)
This Charter is a guide for the public services in Africa for legislative, regulatory, technical and practical measures as may be required to create favourable conditions for the proper functioning of the public service and improve the quality of its services. It states and defines the principles and rules of conduct for public service and state employees, who are to foster a neutral and stable environment conducive to the strengthening of ethical values and the image of the public service, as well as the professionalism of its employees.
City of Cape Town

This policy forms the foundation for an environmental management strategy for the City of Cape Town. It has six priority strategies to deal with protecting our biodiversity and our coastal zone, preventing litter and illegal dumping, reducing air pollution and noise pollution, and creating quality open space.

City of Cape Town
The goal of this policy is to ensure that the City of Cape Town procures goods and services that meet its needs in a manner that is cost-effective and, at the same time, pursue certain specific socio-economic objectives through a preference system that enables increased participation of the Small Business sector with particular reference to Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs).
(File type: pdf; size: 596.17 KB)City of Cape Town
The objective of the policy is to facilitate and regulate the development of the film industry. This means balancing the needs of the industry against the needs of the general public. It outlines the steps to follow in the permit process, including procedures for road usage, and is intended to assist the City of Cape Town to develop a responsive and efficient service, considerate of film location applications.
(File type: pdf; size: 922.38 KB)Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)

CPF Constitution, 2024

Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Cultural Affairs (Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport, Western Cape Government)

The purpose of the Cultural Facilities Usage Policy is to provide a systematic framework for the usage, reservation and payment processes of the cultural facilities of the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS).