Join in the celebrations and send us your photographs!
Arbor Week 2024: Celebrating 30 Years of Freedom in the Western Cape – Promoting Environmental Conservation and Sustainability
Notice of Intention to compile a new Western Cape Provincial Spatial Development Framework
Invitation for Public Comment: Draft Sandveld Environmental Management Framework, 2024.
- Celebrating International Day of Clean Air
- Arbor Week Celebrations - 30 years of Freedom
- Notice of Intention to compile a new WCPSDF
- Invitation for Public Comment: Sandveld Draft EMF, 2024
Welcome to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning.
Our mandate is to enable a resilient, sustainable, quality and inclusive living environment for all.
We’re committed to improving urban and rural areas through enhanced management of land, an enhanced climate change plan,
and better living conditions for all.
See more about what we do by clicking on one of the Chief Directorates below:
Featured News

Berg River Improvement Plan (BRIP)
A partnership programme aimed at improving the water quality of the Berg River.

Improving the quality of life through urban, social and spatial upgrading.

CapeNature is responsible for biodiversity conservation in the Western Cape.