Registration and vaccination for the last age bracket, 18–34-year-olds, opened on Friday which resulted in many eligible people queuing at vaccination sites. The fact that on the first day there were so many persons eager to be vaccinated is a very positive sign. On Friday alone, the province vaccinated 53 290 people – that is 18 336 more than the previous highest total in the week (see daily breakdown below).
This comes at a good time, as the country is no longer experiencing the restriction in the number of vaccines but is now in the fortunate position to be able to scale up the numbers of vaccinations going forward.
For the week 16 – 20 August, the Department administered 187 561 vaccines. This is now also the most vaccines administered in a single week. While the entire country experienced a period of low uptake in recent weeks, the opening of the last cohort will breathe new life into the vaccination programme. We have a window of four months to get maximum uptake of the vaccination to ensure we reduce the impact a possible fourth wave will have on our communities.
How did our vaccination programme perform this week (16 – 20 August)
Even with dwindling numbers our teams have continued to go into communities, erect pop-up vaccination stations, visit farms and doing outreaches to shelters ensuring that no-one is left behind.
Vaccinations administered on:
Overall vaccination performance (as at 20 August)
Weekend vaccinations now available at sites across the province to improve easy access
Today (21 August) we will have 25 sites open to the public for vaccination on a Saturday. These Saturday sites afford the opportunity to those who want to be vaccinated but due to other commitments cannot make it during the week.
On Saturday, 21 August the following sites will be open:
What to expect next week (23 – 27 August)
This coming week will be a very exciting one as for the first time we will have one full five-day week where everyone over the age of 18 is eligible for vaccination. We have sufficient vaccines across more than 200 public vaccination sites and are expecting these to be a hive of activity. For more detail on vaccination sites in your area, visit https://coronavirus.westerncape.gov.za/vaccine-dashboard.
Although the 18+ age band is now open, the Department remains committed to ensure we prioritise our most vulnerable. Thus, people with comorbidities and older than 35, will be prioritised in the walk-in queues.
We thank everyone who has come forward for vaccination already and ask them to further support us by being vaccine ambassadors. Those who will be going for vaccination, if you know of someone who has not yet been vaccinated, bring them with!