Ruth Solomons refers to herself as a prototype of the Western Cape Treasury Essay writing competition. In 2008 when the competition was first introduced, Ruth was encouraged by of her Economics teacher to enter. This proved to be a life-changing decision as it not only began her relationship the Western Cape Treasury’s bursary programme, but also led to her, seven years later, becoming part of Treasury’s Budget policy team. This team deals directly with the implementation of budget policy through the allocation of resources to 14 Provincial Departments and 8 Public Entities, as well as the monitoring of budget implementation in the Western Cape.
Ruth Solomons is one of 32 graduate interns along with a further 60 young people who are currently benefiting from the Western Cape Treasury’s bursary development programme which aims to address the skills shortage within the financial sector. Matriculating from The Settlers High School in 2009, the Western Cape Treasury awarded Ruth a bursary which enabled her to pursue a B.Com Financial Management degree at Stellenbosch University. In 2012 she received a further bursary from the Western Cape Provincial Treasury to complete an Honours degree in 2013. Then in 2014 she could take up the position of graduate intern at the Provincial Treasury.
Western Cape Minister of Finance, Dr Ivan Meyer, is passionate about the development of the youth. He believes that the success of the bursary programme is underpinned by the understanding that successful youth development is not an event, but a process which is defined by opportunity, support, motivation and hard work.
“Growing our own timber has become a very successful strategy for us. We offer real sustainable opportunities and the recipients have responded with tremendous dedication. Learners with potential are identified through our Essay writing competition in grade 11, we then nurture and support them financially through their final years of high school, provide them with a full bursary for their undergraduate and, in many instances, post graduate studies. They are then offered a graduate intern position which leads to full time employment in the public sector.
In the interim, Ruth Solomons is well on her way to fulfilling her dream of becoming a public sector economist. “I have realised that being a public servant is a privilege. As a public servant it is our job to create public value and to ensure that public resources are allocated and implemented as efficiently as possible to give effect to improved service delivery” says Ruth.
Click here to apply for the bursary
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za