Western Cape Finance Minister, Dr Ivan Meyer hosted the fourth annual Municipal Finance Forum on 5 and 6 November 2018 in Caledon themed: Values-based leadership in local government.
This Forum has become synonymous with synergy and knowledge transfer between local, provincial and national government to ultimately promote and support good financial governance.
Through the Forum the Provincial Treasury engages with Mayoral Committee Members for Finance to support and capacitate these members to execute their financial oversight responsibilities. To drive values-based leadership in the Western Cape, the following outcomes were identified:
The Forum Speakers at the two-day session imparted information regarding best practice in managing the finances of municipalities. By leveraging on success stories within municipalities, Provincial Treasury officials, jointly with guest speakers from municipalities, identified municipal success stories that could be expanded to other municipalities. Through sharing their experiences, peer knowledge is transferred.
Minister Meyer said that Finance Members of Municipalities must have the necessary skills and knowledge in budget planning, implementation, oversight and reporting. He announced that a Summer School will be hosted to further ensure that the required skills are transferred.
“The two days was characterised by excellence presentations. We have taken a great step towards embedding good governance by sharing and sharpening the tools required to improve local governance. We do not have an appetite for corruption in the Western Cape and therefore the message is clear that while we continue to build and strengthen our good governance brand, we will also strengthen our consequence management processes, hold each other accountable, deliver and enhance on our public value proposition” said Minister Meyer.
Mr TV Pillay and Mr Wayne McComans from National Treasury addressed the forum on consequence management focussing on the effective implementation of the Financial Misconduct Regulations and the role of MPAC.
The Head Official for the Provincial Treasury, Zakariya Hoosain said: “The Provincial Treasury remains committed to Capacity Building at all levels. This forum provides a platform to engage with stakeholders and offer advice, guidance, training, support but more importantly, it offers an opportunity to learn from each other with the ultimate shared goal of improved financial governance. By sharing actual case studies and exchanging ideas from municipalities, members can relate to the practical application and introduce best practice within their environment”.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za