The Minister of Community Safety, Alan Winde, says the strengthening of partnerships with stakeholders in the safety sector will help to combat crime in the province.
Starting in his new portfolio today, Minister Winde said: “Addressing the pertinent issues of crime, reducing violence and creating safer communities will require a whole of society approach. This will include the involvement of communities, neighbourhood watches, community police forums, street committees, law enforcement agencies such as SAPS, the Metro Police as well as government, across all spheres.”
The Western Cape is the only province that supports neighbourhood watches through formal accreditation, training and resources under the provincial Community Safety Act. A total of 231 neighbourhood watch structures with a vetted membership of 16 400 members will have been accredited by the current financial year.
The 6.8% decrease in property-related crime, and 23% increase in arrests, as reported in the 2018 crime stats, is a clear demonstration that our efforts to support SAPS are working.
“Over the next few days, I will be meeting with the Provincial Police Commissioner Lt. Gen. Khombinkosi Jula, to strengthen the Department’s partnership with SAPS. Police under-resourcing will be high on the agenda, as 85% of police stations are understaffed. It is a major concern that we have very low conviction rate of 2%, while 83% of all gang-related murders in South Africa took place in the Western Cape, according to the 2018 crime stats.”
“I intend to emphasize the embracing of innovation and technology, so that along with these partnerships, we are able to improve safety in our communities, City and the entire province,” said Minister Winde.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Alan Winde
082 721 3362