On Friday, 8 July 2016, Western Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marias bid farewell to the team who will represent South Africa at the Annual Homeless Street Soccer World Cup taking place in Glasgow, Scotland from 10-16 July 2016.
Through community based street soccer initiatives, the team of 8 players was selected from across the country. For the first time, the team includes two female players.
Representing South Africa at the World Cup will be:
Angelo Seakhla, 20 years old from Napier
Griszelda Magosie - 26 years old from Parkwood
Faizal April - 22 years old from Parkwood
Pozisa Dipa - 19 years old from New Crossroads
William Flandorp - 21 years old from Egoli - Phillipi
Michael Frans - 28 years old from Molteno in the Eastern Cape
Fuzile Boyi - 29 years old from Molteno in the Eastern Cape
The South African Homeless Street Soccer programme, managed by Oasis Place is open to youth between the ages of 14-35 and aims to create soccer leagues in 20 local communities by 2020. The programme officially registered with and funded by the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD), incorporates life skill training, HIV/AIDS awareness, as well as training camps in preparation for the Homeless Street Soccer World Cup.
When the team returns after the World Cup, they will be involved in positive youth development initiatives such as the Oasis Place “Reach for Your Dream” programme which empowers youth and adults to become self-sustainable members of their communities.
This year the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) contributed R150 000 to the team’s participation at the annual World Cup. Minister Marais is extremely proud of the team and grateful for the management and guidance provided by the team managers, coaches and support systems. Minister Marais said, “The team has risen above all odds and faced many challenges but they have now made positive choices, one of which is to focus on street soccer and to be involved in youth development initiatives made available to them. As long as there is hope, motivation, self-determination and a helping hand, anyone can reach their full potential”.
The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport creates access to mass participation, sport, arts and cultural opportunities for the vulnerable and next level opportunities for participants with talent and potential.
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Minister Anroux Marais
Email: Stacy.McLean@westerncape.gov.za
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171