As Covid-19 related fatalities are recorded across the province and South Africa, the Western Cape Government with the support of our Faith Based Organisations (FBO) Network and various stakeholders call for a minute of silence every Wednesday at 12h00 in which we light a candle in remembrance of those who have gone before us.
As we understand that many feel overwhelmed with emotions of sadness, depression and/or anxiety with the increasing loss felt during this difficult time, we remain committed to the mental and physical wellbeing of all those we serve because it is only with compassionate will and collaborative efforts, that we will beat this pandemic.
The Western Cape Government, together with our FBO Network offer bereavement and psycho-social support through our departments of Social Development and Health across the province. If psycho-social support is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us on our hotline number 0800 220 250 to be connected to your nearest local office or visit the Social Development webpage.
For additional support, kindly contact the bereavement helpline on 082 925 5938 or 079 872 6408 or your local faith based organization for counselling as is needed. Losing a loved one affects everyone differently, there is no right or wrong way to feel. We therefore, also offer ways to cope with your loss, which can be found here.
Minister Marais said, “At this point, we have all lost someone dear to us and the pain of bereavement is never easy to manage alone. We therefore emphasize that we are here to support and care for each other and as part of the Western Cape Government’s Whole of Society Approach, we wholeheartedly thank our spiritual leaders and various counsellors for their insights into and assistance with the spiritual and social wellbeing of our citizens.
"We acknowledge the exceptional work done by our religious leaders, frontline workers and essential services during the Covid-19 lockdown period, while we continue to engage in our joint efforts to combat this pandemic. From the Whole of Government Approach, we express our gratitude to each district municipality and Western Cape Government Department for their cooperation and support during these extraordinary circumstances.
"As we continue to proactively engage all stakeholders to stay safe, save lives and stay strong, we remember those who have gone before us and hold those in mourning in our thoughts and reflections. While we physically distance, we are socially connected and together we will not only combat this pandemic but unite as a caring people to overcome the psychological implications of this virus as well.”
During this unprecedented time of bereavement, we also urge all to adhere to the Provincial Guide and national funeral regulations and strongly encourage reporting non-compliant undertakers to their relevant municipal offices which can be found on Department of Local Government webpage.
The Provincial Guide to Cultural and Religious Practices in Managing COVID-19 Deaths can be found here.
For further information on Covid-19 please visit: www.westerncape.gov.za/corona or make use of our provincial hotline on 021 928 4102.
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais
083 504 1171