Today (23 September 2021), I joined the West Coast District Municipality Executive Mayor, Ald. John Cleophas, and the Chairman of the South African San Council, Colin Low, to launch the !Khwa ttu ‘Food from the Ancestors’ project which is a new gastronomic tourism attraction that offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience San culture and heritage on the West Coast and in the Western Cape.
The !Khwa ttu ‘Food from the Ancestors’ project is one of eleven projects supported by our Tourism Product Development Fund which we launched last year, contributing almost R6 million to supporting new or existing tourism products and experiences especially in our rural and coastal towns across the Western Cape.
Linking ancient hunter-gatherer food to plants in our natural environment and food on our menu, the !Khwa ttu ‘Food from the Ancestors’ project gives visitors the chance to join local guides in a journey through the surrounding landscape, experiencing the incredible knowledge the San have of indigenous plants, and also hear stories past and present. They can also forage for plants that will then be used to prepare a delicious meal with other ingredients grown and hunted locally or sourced from local producers.
Through the Tourism Product Development Fund we have assisted !Khwa ttu to develop new structures for the ‘Food from the Ancestors’ experience. This also includes the development of the new restaurant menu, the self-guided trail(s) and guided tour with trail maps. Furthermore, we have also worked with them to develop their marketing plan and promotional materials leveraging these assets as they form part of the Cradle of Human Culture West Coast Route to boost awareness of !Khwa ttu to both domestic and international tourists.
Through the “Food from the Ancestors’ experience, !Khwa ttu hope to increase annual visitors and revenue in order to sustain 44 jobs and create an additional 16 new jobs while supporting 10 local suppliers though the new menu.
Our Tourism Product Development Fund aims to develop tourism experiences that differentiate the Western Cape from other destinations and ensure we remain a world-class and competitive option for travellers when global travel starts to recover.
Everyone can play a role in reigniting tourism in the Western Cape by supporting small businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector. And please remember to do so safely, adhering to the health and safety guidelines to protect yourself and your loved ones from Covid-19.
If you are looking for ideas for your next visit to Cape Town and the Western Cape, then visit our website where you can use one of our regional itineraries for inspiration: https://www.wesgro.co.za/travel/itineraries
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za