The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, welcomes the appointment of Advocate Yashina Pillay as the Head of Department (HoD) for the Department of Community Safety. The appointment was noted by Cabinet at its meeting on 1 December 2020.
Prior to her appointment by Provincial Cabinet, Advocate Pillay served as the Acting HoD of the Department of Community Safety and previously served as a Chief Director within the Department. Advocate Pillay has extensive senior management experience within Local Government and the NGO sector. Her career began with her serving at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Minister Fritz said, “I wish to congratulate Advocate Pillay on her appointment and know that she is incredibly well placed to head the Department. Her wealth of experience in the legal, government and safety spheres will serve as an asset to this Department. She is also the first female to be appointed as HoD of the Department. I can think of no better person to have at the helm as its Chief Accounting Officer as we enter the next phase of implementing the Western Cape Safety Plan.”
Minister Fritz continued, “In her acting role, Advocate Pillay steered the Department through the Covid-19 pandemic and has successfully ensured that the Department undergoes a comprehensive restructuring and repurposing process. This will aid us in delivering on the implementation of the Recovery Plan and the Western Cape Safety Plan. She has played a pivotal role in the establishment of Area Based Teams within the communities most affected by murder and violence”.
Minister Fritz concluded, “Advocate Pillay was by far the best candidate for the job. Her extensive work experience, her deep understanding of the Department and her passion for both innovation within government and for serving the people of this province will ensure that we deliver on the imperatives of making the Province a safer place for all its people.”
Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za