The Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA), Mr Kimi Makwetu, last week honoured the Western Cape Provincial Treasury for receiving clean audits for the 2013/14 financial year.
During his address at the AGSA’s Annual Stakeholder and Clean Audit Award Function, Makwetu thanked those present for their outstanding leadership. “The Western Cape together with Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal is certainly leading the pack in terms of improved audit outcomes and financial governance. You understand that as civil servants we do what we do because of governance, people and service delivery” said Makwetu.
The more than 100 percent improvement in the number of clean audits was celebrated as a reflection of the quality of the ongoing support given to departments by the Western Cape Provincial Treasury as well as the commitment to good governance by Heads of Department and their respective management teams.
Western Cape Minister of Finance, Dr Ivan Meyer, attributed the success to the provincial treasury and the office of the premier continuing to embrace and own assurance initiatives and leading the collective effort to see significant improvement in the provincial audit outcomes. “Provincial officials increasingly understand the value of the shared vision of excellent financial governance, team learning, developing financial skills and doing away with bad practises. This excellent set of audit outcomes must however translate into improved service delivery for our people and the Western Cape Government will certainly sharpen its focus on ensuring that citizens experience greater public value” said Meyer.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za