Yesterday, we kicked off the first of the Provincial Government Medium Term Expenditure Committee (PG MTEC) 2 engagements hosted by Provincial Treasury and chaired by the Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, David Maynier.
These engagements and the Medium-Term Budget Policy Committee (MTBPC) engagements are part of the 2020 budget process and build on the MTBPC 1 and PG MTEC 1 engagements that were held in October 2019, and on the 2019 MTBPS that was tabled on the 26 November 2019.
They are further underpinned by the integrated planning and budgeting process which includes the draft Provincial Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024 and its five Vision-Inspired Priorities (VIPs). This was recently published on the Western Cape government website for public comments following the engagements.
The engagements will allow departments and public entities the opportunity to have detailed discussions on how spending plans will give effect to the 2019 - 2024 PSP including alignment with municipal priorities, demonstrating how departmental budgets have been reprioritised towards the relevant priorities, and the key budgetary and service delivery risks including related mitigation measures.
This process will require tough policy choices to be made, a continued focus on driving citizen-centric service delivery and innovation, the implementation plans for the Vision Inspired Priorities and targeting and reprioritising resources towards the key interventions that are going to have the greatest impact, enhancing evidence-based practices and strengthening partnerships and integration for areas of joint delivery towards intended outcomes.
The PG MTEC 2 engagements include departmental Ministers, HODs, CFOs and the key officials within the relevant departments responsible for financial management and strategic planning
In total there will be eleven PG MTEC 2 engagements, which will take place from 22 to 28 January 2020, with each of the Western Cape Government Departments as follows:
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for Provincial Treasury and Departments of Economic Development and Tourism)
Tel: 021 483 4327
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za