We are committed to supporting the workers affected and the Saldanha Bay community. To this end the Department of Economic Development and Tourism in collaboration with the Department of Local Government will be hosting career resilience outreach workshops from 09:00 – 15:00 on the 20 – 21 February at the White City Multipurpose Centre in Saldanha.
This is follows the announcement by ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) that the winding down of the steel works plant in Saldanha will be largely completed by the end of the first quarter of 2020, and that the large-scale employee reorganisation has been largely finalised and resulted in a reduction of employees.
Support staff at the workshops will provide advice on worker’s rights, financial planning, starting a business, re-training, applying for a new job and CV support.
The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has also created a guide to career resilience and unexpected job loss which is available on the Western Cape government website at https://www.westerncape.gov.za/general-publication/career-resilience-when-facing-unexpected-job-loss
Following the first announcement by AMSA of their intention to wind down the plant in November last year we immediately established a task team consisting of government stakeholders such as the Saldanha Bay Municipality, the Saldanha Bay IDZ (SBIDZ), the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, the Department of Social Development and Wesgro with the purpose of mitigating the impact of a possible closure of the plant.
In addition to the career resilience outreach workshops, the task team have also engaged with SMMEs and individuals who were contracted to AMSA in Saldanha Bay to identify the extent of the impact of the plant closure on their business. A questionnaire was issued to these businesses, and the results are currently being reviewed to ascertain the level of support the require.
The task team will continue to be in frequent contact with all stakeholders invested in the success of Saldanha Bay and the West Coast region to minimise the impact of the AMSA plant closure, support the workers affected and continue to drive the growth of the economy and create jobs in the region.
Despite the setback of the plant closure we will work hard, together with the municipality and business stakeholders, to continue to grow other sectors in the regional economy.
Last week I attended the Saldanha Bay IDZ (SBIDZ) Launch 2020 event which brought together existing and new investors to share with them the vision of the SBIDZ. This vision is quickly becoming a reality and I am excited about the opportunities for economic growth and job creation that the SBIDZ offers for Saldanha Bay, the West Coast and the Western Cape.
For more information about the career resilience outreach workshops, affected workers can contact the following individuals.
Zenobia Anthony (Zenobia.Anthony@westerncape.gov.za) – 021 483 5859
Sinovuyo Lizo (Sinovuyo.Lizo@westerncape.gov.za) – 021 483 5287
Abigail Robinson (Abigail.Robinson@westerncape.gov.za) – 021 483 5106
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for Provincial Treasury and Departments of Economic Development and Tourism)
Tel: 021 483 4327
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za