The Stats SA Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) released today (23 February 2021), reveals encouraging early signs of economic recovery with an increase in employment of 121 000 jobs in the last quarter in the Western Cape, the highest increase of all the provinces in South Africa.
The strong growth has mainly been in the Agriculture, Construction, Trade and Community and Social Services sectors, which is credit to the private sector’s resilience and adaptation during the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is also encouraging that at 26.8%, the Western Cape continues to have the lowest expanded unemployment rate in South Africa.
However, at the end of the day, we know that many people, especially young people, have lost their jobs and their livelihoods as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the related lockdown which has severely, and at times unnecessarily, restricted the economy in the Western Cape.
This is why we have worked hard since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic to save jobs and rebuild the economy in the Western Cape.
We have:
We have:
We have:
We have:
And we have:
These are just a few of our successful initiatives to support businesses and help them to open safely. And we will continue to work hard to support businesses and save jobs, focusing with urgency on the rebuilding of our economy in the Western Cape.
Listen to soundbyte from Minister Maynier:
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za