Today we tabled the Western Cape Budget 2021 in the Provincial Parliament.
When Premier Alan Winde delivered his State of the Province Address in Genadendal he called on us to stand together, to lead from the front, to get the job done, and to provide the hope we all need in the Western Cape.
Which is why the 2021 Budget I tabled in the provincial parliament today is “A Budget for Hope” for all who live in the Western Cape.
In the 2021 Budget Address I announced a total package of R217.83 billion over the medium term in the Western Cape, which breaks down to R72.39 billion in 2021/22, R72.68 billion in 2022/23 and R72.77 billion in 2023/24 in the Western Cape.
We have mobilised a R2.17 billion “war chest” to defeat COVID-19 in the Western Cape.
Which will be spent:
And, we have:
We have been hit hard by the pandemic, but we have a recovery plan guided by three “North Stars” - “Jobs”, “Safety” and “Well-being” - which will ensure that we move forward and provide hope in the Western Cape.
To support the Western Cape Recovery Plan, we will:
We have to accelerate investment in infrastructure to drive economic growth and create jobs, which is why we will spend R29.09 billion on infrastructure over the medium term in the Western Cape.
And today, I am pleased to announce a new Project Preparation Facility, which will assist departments and public entities with project preparation costs, to create a clear, visible and well prepared pipeline of infrastructure projects.
We will have to find ways to be leaner, smarter and more innovative in government, which is why we have established a Fiscal Transition Support Facility to find new, smarter ways of delivering services.
We have drawn down a total of R142.8 million over the medium term from the provincial reserves to enable the Fiscal Transition Support Facility. And today, I am pleased to announce that the funding of a number of innovative projects including:
The fact is that we remain locked in a struggle between a virus and a vaccine, and we must not let the virus win.
So, today, we table “A Budget for Hope” in the Provincial Parliament which is a budget that supports the plan to defeat COVID-19, which is destroying lives, and destroying livelihoods in the Western Cape.
And, we must not forget that, in the end, every one of us must continue to play our part by wearing our masks, by sanitising regularly, and by practicing social distancing so that, together, we can defeat COVID-19.
You can read Minister David Maynier's budget speech and the budget documents here: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/provincial-treasury/news/western-cape-budget-202122
Listen to soundbyte by Minister David Maynier:
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za