The Western Cape Government (WCG) is determined to make it as easy as possible for the private sector to do business and create jobs in the province.
The efforts by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism’s Red Tape Reduction Unit (RTRU) and its partners, has already helped to save the provincial economy R2.4 billion between March 2019 and March 2023.
“Our aim is to make the Western Cape the easiest place to do business in South Africa so we can enable the private sector to create jobs, rather than be bogged down by unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy. The R2.4 billion saving enabled by the RTRU shows that our targeted approach to work with all levels of government and business is working,” said Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, Mireille Wenger.
This objective lies at the very core of the WCG’s bold new economic action plan, ‘Growth For Jobs’ or G4J, which aims to enable a R1 trillion jobs-rich and inclusive economy, that is growing between 4% and 6% in real terms by 2035.
In assessing the impact of the RTRU’s work, the top three interventions were measured, including:
“Cutting red tape also means investment can flow more easily into the province, further improving our reputation as an investment destination of choice for local and international investors. We will continue to work with the private sector and all stakeholders to make sure that businesses in the Western Cape can continue to create jobs, without being hamstrung by red tape,” Minister Wenger continued.
Launched in 2011, the RTRU works to solve problems and remove red tape barriers preventing businesses from growing, sustaining revenue and jobs.
The RTRU takes a principled approach to reducing red tape to make it easier to do business and create jobs by:
Concluding, Minister Wenger encouraged businesses, big and small, to make use of the services offered by the WCG, “If your business is being held back by red tape, I encourage you to contact the RTRU so we can help remove obstacles to business growth. Growth can only happen if the private sector is enabled to get on with what they do best – create jobs.”
For more information or assistance with red tape issues, please email on redtape@westerncape.gov.za, or visit the website - https://www.westerncape.gov.za/red-tape-reduction/contact-us-0
Georgina Maree
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 076 423 7541