The exciting upward trend we have seen in the Western Cape tourism sector continues, bringing economic and job-creating benefits to the Western Cape.
“The latest report on tourism in the Western Cape tells us that the 53 participating attractions across the six regions of the Western Cape recorded a total of 3 206 546 visitors between January and April 2024, a 17% growth in the number of visitors, when compared to January to April 2023. I always look forward to receiving these monthly reports as they contain such promising news of growth, that I know will translate into benefits and jobs for residents across the Western Cape” announced Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, Mireille Wenger.
Other highlights from the report compiled by the Western Cape Government’s (WCG) tourism, trade and investment promotion agency, Wesgro, include:
“Together with Wesgro and our partners across the sector, we are determined to boost this incredible sector. We have just opened applications for the Province’s 2024 Tourism Growth Fund, which will provide project funding to qualifying organisations for tourism development, tourism infrastructure, and tourism product development. This will assist businesses to expand their already impressive offerings as well as further develop tourism infrastructure, to support the growth of the number of visitors to the Western Cape. Applications remain open until all funds have been allocated and all interested tourism organisation are invited to apply, with more information on our website, here - https://www.westerncape.gov.za/site-page/economic-sector-support-tourism-growth-fund” continued Minister Wenger.
“The growth in the tourism sector shows promise that the WCG’s ambitious goal set out in our economic action plan, ‘Growth For Jobs’ (G4J), is starting to deliver practical results. G4J aims to double the number of visitors to the province by 2035 to enable a R1 trillion, jobs-rich, inclusive, diverse, and resilient provincial economy that is growing at between 4% and 6% in real terms. Together, we can realise this vision across the economy, to lift many more residents from poverty into prosperity,” concluded Minister Wenger.
Georgina Maree
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 076 423 7541