A mobile unit that will give crafters on the West Coast, Central Karoo and Eden access to the skills development opportunities that the Cape Craft and Design Institute (CCDI) offers, was launched on Tuesday, 11 September 2007 in Piketberg by Western Cape Minister of Environment, Planning and Economic Development, Ms Tasneem Essop.
The new Rural Outreach Craft Mobile Unit, commonly referred to as "Roo", was started as a partnership between the Western Cape Department of Economic Development and the CCDI. Service providers could not operate effectively in regions outside the metropole.
Following extensive research by the Department, and meetings with stakeholders, it was identified that a way had to be found to reach crafters in outlying areas. The project required a vehicle to travel around to the regions to build their capacity. This way the Department could ensure that SMEs in the regions are able to access CCDI programmes and are in the information and opportunity loop. And so "Roo" was initiated.
The objective of this CCDI project is to develop a sustainable programme that will ensure income and job growth for crafters in rural areas. In practice this means to play a supporting role to develop craft SMEs in rural areas of the Western Cape, particularly with regard to enterprise and skills development, product development linked to heritage and tourism and access to markets. The idea is to pilot the project on the West Coast, Central Karoo and Eden regions, and to develop a methodology and approach to implement in the remaining regions.
Local crafters of Darling and Vredendal attended the launch at the municipal library in Piketberg. Invited guests were the executive director Ms Erica Elk, government officials and service providers.