Motorists are enjoying a better travelling experience on the R393 and R303 near Eendekuil and Citrusdal after work to reseal and rehabilitate sections of these roads was completed this week. This R58 million Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) project, which commenced in November 2016, marks the first time these roads have been refurbished since the 1990s.
The project was planned and executed in a way that advances important socio-economic objectives, including spending specified proportions of contract budgets on targeted contractors, on local labour, and on the training of local labour. A total of R10 million was spent on targeted enterprises and over 15 000 person-days of work were created for people from the Cederberg and Berg River local municipal areas.
DTPW remains committed to realising its vision of leading in the delivery of government infrastructure and related services. This project helps to give effect to Provincial Strategic Goal 1: “Creating opportunities for growth and jobs”. We will continue to plan, upgrade, rehabilitate and maintain the provincial road network, a valuable strategic asset of the Western Cape Government.
Join the Department on Twitter @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #roadworksWC.
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