Good progress is being made on a R156 million Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) project to rehabilitate and make design improvements to the R305 between Stilbaai and the N2. Work started in January 2016 and is expected to have been completed early in 2018.
A minor realignment of the road to eliminate the sharp bend known as Skerpkoppies is almost complete. Other work in progress includes the widening of surfaced shoulders, and resealing and layerwork in various places. Furthermore, the construction of a sidewalk/ separate footway and safety improvements at various intersections are under way.
DTPW is aware that delays are frustrating, but some inconvenience during construction is inevitable. Half-width construction (closing one side of the road) is in progress in various places with stop/ go controls to manage the flow of traffic. Motorists can expect to have to wait between 5 and 15 minutes at these controls.
The project is creating a number of short-term job and skills development opportunities. To date, R8,8 million has been spent on local labour while 37 506 person-days of work have been created for people from the Hessequa local municipal area.
The Department thanks motorists for their patience and urges them to exercise caution at all times. Motorists will soon be able to enjoy a safer and more pleasant travelling experience on the R305.
Join the Department on Twitter @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #roadworksWC.
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