5 JULY 2019
Good morning, goeiemôre, molweni nonke,
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. These words personify this much needed collaboration between the University of the Western Cape’s Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Sport Science and Development (ICCESSD), the Western Cape Government and expert professionals in the field.
The two-phased research investigation culminated into a tangible case for sport in the Western Cape and will indeed accelerate increased support for the strategic objectives achieved through sport. The evidence based research now makes it possible to make informed decisions at an executive level and will certainly assist us in reviewing current policy to be redeveloped with maximum citizen impact in mind.
There is no doubt in my mind that those seasoned in the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) portfolio can agree that there exists a disconnect between the positive impact of sport and the budget often allocated to its programmes. This comprehensive research now physically motivates for increased support, not only for sport and recreation but cultural affairs as well.
With Prof de Coning’s permission, I hope to enter into the budget adjustment period in September, saying less this year and simply presenting Provincial Treasury with our Case for Sport in a bid for greater financial backing based on empirical information, academic substantiation and expert advice from custodians in the field. For this, I thank you wholeheartedly as you have afforded me, my Cabinet colleagues and the public at large with greater insight into the socio-economic benefits and impacts of sport and recreation.
This is no small feat and today I commend the team’s dedication to the cause because your findings now serve as the catalysts for progression in realising our vison of a socially inclusive, active and connected Western Cape. This collaboration shows in real terms that we are indeed Better Together and through this innovative partnership we have strengthened our resolve to create an enabling environment to the benefit of all who calls the Western Cape home through sport and recreation.
As Premier Winde always inspires, let’s get to work!
I thank you
Spokesperson for the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais
083 504 1171