Preserving, renewing and developing the culture and tradition of indigenous storytelling was the aim as the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) hosted a Women’s Month celebration in Langa on Thursday, 22 August 2019.
Held in collaboration with Kamva Labantu at Guga Sthebe, the event was attended by members of the Nomzamo Senior Citizens Club, residents of the Ncedisizwe Aged Care Home and other elderly people from around Langa.
The event was panelled by Beaulla Stofile, Fundile Majola, Thozama Yawa and Fikile Magqhashela. It served as a platform for the elderly to share and reflect on their own personal stories of triumph and defeat, thereby keeping the culture of storytelling alive. The programme began with a welcome, prayer and song from Lulama Sigasana and it was followed by the reading of quotes from the book Buzani kuBawo by Witness K Tamsanqa.
The elders were then given the opportunity to share how they related to the characters in the story. Lastly the senior citizens shared “intsomi” stories by which elders share wisdom and lessons with the younger generations in the Xhosa tradition.
Those who attended the event also received copies of the books Ukuba ndandazile by WK Tamsanqa, UDingezweni by PT Mtuze and Ubulumko bezinja by Rustum Siyongwana.
Khamekile Zonke, from the Nomzamo Senior Citizens Club, thanked DCAS for such an empowering event, saying that it was heart-warming to know that people are still willing to hear the much-needed wisdom of senior citizens in today’s society.
The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport is committed to the preservation of the valuable cultural traditions present in Western Cape society, BETTER TOGETHER.
Dr Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877 / 076 093 4913
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za