The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s (DCAS) pilot Dance Teacher Training Programme came to a thrilling end on 23 August 2019 with the hosting of the “Dans die Weskus aan die Brand” (Dance the West Coast Ablaze) dance showcase at the Saldanha Multi-Purpose Centre.
Hosted in partnership with the Saldanha Municipality, Comnet and Multi-Arts Alliance, this was the culmination of a training programme rolled out during May 2019.
After an audition process, selected individuals received training in dance teaching, events management and basic choreography.
Participants were tasked to form their own dance groups, plough their knowledge back into their communities and choreograph their own dance works which were eventually presented at Friday’s showcase.
The dancers, who came from Cloetesville, Vredenburg, Clanwilliam and Saldanha, delivered a magnificent performance in the genres of contemporary, African, hip-hop and fusion dance to the 400-plus audience.
The dance teachers also performed “Saartjie Baartman” as part of the event. This Contemporary-Afro fusion styled dance presentation included dramatic monologues addressing issues such as “the life of the jobless” and “finding one’s own identity”.
Minister Anroux Marais delivered the keynote address and awarded each participant with a performance certificate.
Although the Dance Teacher Training Programme has come to an end, the newly-trained teachers will continue teaching in their communities and will work towards the DCAS Dance Festival which will be hosted in February 2020.
DCAS and its partners aim to develop the arts by offering young talent valuable opportunities, BETTER TOGETHER.
Dr Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877 / 076 093 4913
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za