The Overstrand K-9 Unit is proving to be a continued menace to criminals, by making their lives very unpleasant. Between 31 May and 2 June 2023, the Overstrand K-9 Unit, joined by the Overstrand Rural Safety, and the Marine and Coastal Unit conducted various operations within the municipal area.
These units had various successes:
1. Two suspects, a South African female and Tanzanian male, were arrested for the possession of and dealing in dagga. Over 2kg of compressed dagga was confiscated. Their vehicle, a SUV that they were travelling in, 4 cellphones and R 3 900 in cash were also confiscated.
2. 1 suspect was arrested for dealing in dagga. Over 2,7kg dagga was confiscated.
3. 4 108 abalone, with an estimated street value of R2 million was found in an abandoned vehicle. The abandoned vehicle, which was located in 7th Street in Voëlklip, Hermanus, was impounded. No arrests were made.
4. A vehicle that was stolen in Citrusdal during May 2023, was found. One person was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle.
5. During a patrol on the R43, fines for various offenses, to the value of R 21 903.00 were issued. A minibus and bakkie were also confiscated.
Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen said: “Under no circumstances are we going to allow criminals to become comfortable. They are terrorising our communities and add no value. They belong behind bars. I commend our units in the Overstrand area for their continued efforts to remove criminal elements from our streets.”
“As the Western Cape government, our aim is to ensure our people live in safer communities. Safety across the entire province remains our priority, and therefore we will continue strengthening these units so that they can achieve more success to ultimately ensure safer communities,” concluded Minister Reagen Allen.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Reagen Allen
021 483 0103 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)