The Public Service Commission visited Tulbagh and conducted a public meeting. The Community Development Workers Program was tasked to conduct community survey which was done before the visit of the Public Service Commission and identified unemployment amongst youth as a key concern. This led to the identification of incomplete education and lack of skills as a major contributor to a high unemployment and a low level of entry into the job market.
At the review meeting with the Public Service Commission, it was identified that a career exhibition is needed to address unemployment and lack of opportunities to the youth. The focus of the career exhibition is to expose youth to the different career opportunities, fields of studies and to make informed subject choices at school.
A total of 36 exhibitors was at the career exhibition which includes various government departments, seta’s, tertiary institutions, GCIS, Cape Wineland District Municipality and Witzenberg Municipality. Stakeholders contributed and shared resources to ensure the success of the event. Approximately 700 scholars and unemployed youth visited the career exhibition
The career exhibition was14 March 2024, at Witzenville Community Hall, Tulbagh from 09h00 till 16h00.
Issued: By DLG Communications