Twenty-eight arrests by Swartland, Overstrand and Mossel Bay K-9 and Rural Safety Units in one week. The Mossel Bay, Overstrand and Swartland K-9 Units, in partnership with the Rural Safety Units (RSUs) in the Overstrand and Swartland areas, have once again been actively combatting crime in their respective areas. Between 2 and 6 April 2024, these units with various other municipal law enforcement agencies and the South African Police Service (SAPS), arrested twenty-eight (28) individuals for various crimes. Of these, twenty-one (21) were apprehended in the Overstrand municipal area, five (5) were arrested in Mossel Bay and two (2) in Swartland.
The Mossel Bay K-9 unit had operations in Herbetsdale, Klein and Groot Brakrivier, and Kwanonqaba. During one of the operations in Groot Brakrivier, the unit arrested one (1) person for the possession of x9 871 green pain tablets. The individual has been charged under the medicine and related substances Act 101 of 1965. Another arrest was made for the possession of drugs.
The unit also confiscated:
- x50 mandrax tablets; and
- x4g tik.
The Swartland units conducted operations in the broader Malmesbury area and Moorreesburg. The individuals were arrested for:
- x2 dealing in liquor.
The units confiscated:
- Large quantity of liquor.
Amongst others the Overstand arrests included:
- x6 for possession of drugs;
- x2 driving under the influence of liquor; and
- x10 wanted persons.
This unit confiscated:
- x15 half and x5 quarter mandrax tablets; and
- x4 bankies and x3 tik straws.
Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen said, “These successes demonstrate how our K9 and RSU’s are actively working to ensure greater safety is achieved in the areas where they operate, and by extension across the entire Western Cape. It brings me a moment of joy when I see how our provincial safety plan is being actioned, and how the residents of the Western Cape are benefitting from it. As the Western Cape Government, we will continue to support our units, as it is important to us that our citizens can live in dignified communities. I also urge our residents to not stop working with these units, as this will assist in ensuring that criminal activities come to an end.”
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Reagen Allen
021 483 0103 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)