The United States and South Africa today signed a new Comprehensive Case Management for Children Government-to-Government (G2G) Agreement, designed to elevate the provision of services for vulnerable children in South Africa, particularly Children Living with HIV (CLHIV), those with disabilities, and survivors of sexual violence. The signing took place at the U.S. Consul General’s residence in Cape Town.
The official signing of this G2G agreement between the United States – through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – and the South African National and Western Cape Provincial Departments of Social Development is a significant milestone in the collaborative South Africa-U.S. efforts to safeguard the well-being of vulnerable children in South Africa.
The official signatories to the agreement were South Africa’s Minister of Social Development and Member of Parliament Ms. Lindiwe Zulu, Western Cape MEC of Social Development Sharna Fernandez, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Southern Africa Mission Director Leslie Marbury, and U.S. Consul General Todd Haskell.
The agreement establishes a standardized core package of services across seven crucial domains, including childcare, psychosocial support, and education, and endeavors to ensure that these children receive comprehensive, tailored support to address their unique needs.
In reflecting on the signing, Leslie Marbury, USAID/Southern Africa Mission Director, remarked:
"We stand united in partnership to fulfill our commitment to the well-being of vulnerable children in South Africa. Through the signing of this Government-to-Government Agreement, South Africa and the United States through USAID are dedicating ourselves to ensuring that every child, regardless of their circumstances, receives the comprehensive support they need to thrive. Together, we're enhancing support for vulnerable children in South Africa, ensuring no child is left behind."
Consul General Todd P. Haskell also said:
"The signing of this agreement is a testament to the enduring partnership between the United States and South Africa in so many areas, including health. By focusing this G2G agreement on children living with HIV, those with disabilities, and survivors of sexual violence, we are laying the foundation for a brighter, more inclusive future. Together, we will continue to champion the rights and well-being of every child, because ensuring a healthy, prosperous South Africa is beneficial to both Americans and South Africans."
Minister of Social Development Ms. Lindiwe Zulu said:
"This year marks 30 years of Democracy in South Africa, 30 years of developing policies on children and three decades of creating a conducive environment for those who work with matters of children.
Whether it is government, NPOs or NGOs, but in this particular case it is about Government-to -Government relations and picking up on the issues of major concern to the people of South Africa and in this case, it is about children, and especially children who are living with HIV and Aids.” She further said that this is also about expanding the bilateral relations between the two countries."
Western Cape MEC for Social Development Sharna Fernandez added:
"My hope is that a seamless referral pathway will be created between the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD), the provincial Health and Wellness Department, and Designated Child Protection Organisations, so the necessary support can be given to children in Delft, Kraaifontein, and Philippi who are living with HIV, those who’ve been sexually abused, and those living with disabilities, and their families. Thank you to USAID, the US government, our national counterparts, and my colleagues in the DSD, who have worked tirelessly to make this agreement a reality. To the DSD staff and NGO partners who are going to be working with children and families for whom these interventions will most certainly be a lifeline: THANK YOU!"
The signing of the Comprehensive Case Management for Children Government-to-Government Agreement demonstrates a shared commitment to fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for vulnerable children in South Africa. Through sustained collaboration and dedication, the United States through USAID, the South African Government, and provincial authorities aim to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
The Comprehensive Case Management for Children Government-to-Government (G2G) Agreement between the South African National and Western Cape Departments of Social Development (DSD) and the United States government through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) focuses on the key challenges facing children in the HIV epidemic.
Under the oversight of the National DSD, the Provincial G2G Agreement with the Western Cape DSD will implement a USAID-funded five-year, $5 million (USD) comprehensive case management for children activity in the Western Cape Province. Specifically, the program will:
the implementation of a comprehensive services package for children living with HIV most at risk of poor outcomes – i.e. children that are not on
This is the first of several Provincial Government to Government Agreements that are planned to support positive social and health outcomes for children at the provincial level. The activities under this G2G Agreement will focus on the City of Cape Town.
Ms. Monique Mortlock-Malgas
Spokesperson to MEC Sharna Fernandez, Western Cape Department of Social Development
Email: Monique.Mortlock@westerncape.gov.za
Ms. Stacy Barrios
Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General Cape Town
Tel: +27 (0)79 111 0948
Ms. Lumka Oliphant
Department of Social Development, South Africa
Email: LumkaO@DSD.gov.za
Tel: +27 (0)83 484 8067