Today, 16 April 2024, Western Cape Minister of Social Development, Sharna Fernandez attended the formal opening of a Thuthuzela Care Centre (TCC) in Stellenbosch.
Various officials attended the event, including Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development John Jeffery and National Director of Public Prosecutions Advocate Shamila Batohi.
A TCC is a one-stop facility that provides psychosocial, medical, and legal services to victims of gender-based violence (GBV), driven by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
The Western Cape Department of Social Development provides support for this joint initiative, which involves other stakeholders like the provincial Health and Wellness Department, the Justice and Correctional Services Department, the South African Police Service, NGOs and the private sector.
The Department is funding the NGO Stellcare to provide 24/7 psychosocial support services at the Stellenbosch TCC. These services, which include counseling, are crucial to ensuring the wellbeing and protection of clients.
Since 2019, over 21 000 people per year have received psychosocial support from Thuthuzela Care Centres and DSD-supported GBV shelters in the Western Cape. A total of 9 Thuthuzela Centres are operational across the province.
The NPA says the newly opened TCC in Stellenbosch is the first one not situated on hospital premises and has overnight facilities onsite.
Speaking at today’s event, provincial Minister Fernandez said:
“This TCC is a symbol of the power of collaboration. Today was made possible thanks to the partnerships between the NPA, the provincial DSD, Western Cape Health and Wellness Department, the South African Police Service, The Ring for Peace Cape Trust, Stellcare, the Stellenbosch municipality, Stellenbosch University, the community, and the private sector.”
She added: “This facility will also be a haven and a lifeline to many victims and survivors of gender-based violence. It is thus important that we maintain effective working relationships, to ensure no one in need of support is left behind. Those who will be working here have a great responsibility to ensure that each wounded individual who walks through these doors leaves here feeling supported, hopeful, and as the word ‘Thuthuzela’ says: comforted.”
Monique Mortlock-Malgas
Spokesperson to MEC Sharna Fernandez
Department of Social Development
E-mail: Monique.Mortlock@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za