15th National Oral History Conference 2018 | Western Cape Government

15th National Oral History Conference 2018

(Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport, Western Cape Government)

The Conference will be hosted from 9 to 12 October 2018 at the Milnerton Library in the Western Cape and the theme is Freedom and Egalitarianism: Nelson Mandela, The Symbol of Democracy.

The conference programme is available online.

OHASA facilitated a pre-conference Oral History Workshop to capacitate members and delegates with skills of oral history methodology. Various aspects of oral history, ranging from memory, and ethics to interviewing techniques have been discussed. Please see more details online.

  • Membership and Conference Fees. Please see details online.
  • Abstracts/Proposals were invited for contributions to the Conference. Although the conference is primarily academic, case study reports and other contributions are recognised. The closing date for abstracts and proposals was 16 May 2018. Please see details about the sub-themes online.

“Oral history in South Africa is broadly categorised within the realm of living tradition. Sometimes this is referred to as living heritage or oral traditions. It has become a transformational mechanism through which past imbalances are addressed, as well as a therapeutical mechanism to deal with South Africa's turbulent past.” This is an excerpt from the Oral History Framework of the Western Cape.

For ease of reference please see the online version of the Oral History Framework of the Western Cape and local news updates.

Let us continue to keep the stories and experiences of the past alive so that future generations can celebrate our heritage, BETTER TOGETHER.

The content on this page was last updated on 19 November 2020