Default Judgments (Rule 31) |
6 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs S C Conlan & 1 other – Bond (Verband) |
8564/05 |
7 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs I M Matutle & 1 other – Bond (Verband) |
8568/05 |
8 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs N H Meyer & 2 others – Bond (Verband) |
9022/05 |
9 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs N M Mokhachane & 1 other – Bond (Verband) |
8569/05 |
10 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs M Morris – Bond (Verband) |
9206/05 |
11 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs V S Rickerts – Bond (Verband) |
7357/05 |
12 |
GBS Mutual Bank vs M A Salie Bond (Verband)& 1 other - |
9441/05 |
13 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs G Smith & 1 other – Bond (Verband) |
8572/05 |
14 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs S T Smith – Bond (Verband) |
8573/05 |
15 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs M H Wyngaardt & 1 other – Bond (Verband) |
8575/05 |
Applications |
20 |
I A Price vs G J Lotz – Sequestration (Sekwestrasie) |
10291/05 |
21 |
Absa Bank Ltd vs Wolfstream Investments 19 CC - Liquidation (Likwidasie) |
8645/05 |
22 |
Appointmate (Pty) Ltd vs Liquid Thought CC - Liquidation (Likwidasie) |
9995/05 |
23 |
S R Frank vs EZ Trade 114 CC – Liquidation (Likwidasie) |
9797/05 |
24 |
J O De Wit – Voluntary Surrender (Vrywillige Boedeloorgawe) |
7893/05 |
25 |
M Vorster – Surrender (Boedeloorgawe) |
10070/05 |
25A |
B M Kleyn – Rehabilitation (Rehabilitasie) |
8374/05 |
26 |
E L Jacobs – Curator Bonis (Kurator Bonis) |
279/2002 |
27 |
C L Little vs R Van der Westhuizen – Curator Bonis (Kurator Bonis) |
9951/05 |
28 |
M T Mncedani- Curator Bonis (Kurator Bonis) |
2561/05 |
29 |
I L Skelm – Curator Bonis (Kurator Bonis) |
3825/05 |
30 |
R D Berry – Rehabilitation (Rehabilitasie) |
9373/05 |
31 |
F E Waja – Rehabilitation (Rehabilitasie) |
9222/05 |
32 |
L vs D C Castle – Change of matrimonial property system (Wysiging van huweliksgoederebedeling) |
9041/05 |
33 |
R B vs L G Swain-Johnson – Edictal Citation (Ediktale Sitasie) |
8547/05+ 10293/05 |
34 |
B Dyssell vs N Höfinger- Return of children Terugbesorging van kinders) |
6968/05 |
35 |
W A Van Deventer vs B B Ling N.O & 1 other - Damages (Skadevergoeding) |
7400/2004 |
36 |
The National Director of Public Prosecutions vs K Ringquest – Preservation Order (Preserveringsbevel) |
8901/05 |
37 |
Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa t/a Land Bank vs Kaapschon Boerdery 21 (Pty) Limited & 5 others – Monies Owing (Geld Verskuldig) |
8128/05 |
38 |
M S Mnyanza vs Transnet Limited & 2 others - Declaratory Order (Verklarende Bevel) |
2188/05 |
39 |
Lochiel Road Investment No 2 CC t/a DMS Contractors vs Shirley Frances Mary Semple- Fisher & 1 other – Interdict (Interdik) |
10233/05 |
40 |
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited vs A S Bergstedt – Declaratory Order (Verklarende Bevel) |
2019/05 |
41 |
U O Von Oppell vs A M Herrmann – Declaratory Order (Verklarende Bevel) |
9550/05 |
Admissions (Toelatings) |
A |
L Andrews- Advocate (Advokaat) |
7821/05 |
B |
R R Brandt – Advocate (Advokaat) |
7396/05 |
C |
R Beijmohanlall – Advocate (Advokaat) |
8513/05 |
D |
M M Mbaqa – Advocate (Advokaat) |
7391/05 |
E |
P Meme – Advocate (Advokaat) |
7208/05 |
F |
W Moeketse – Advocate (Advokaat) |
8007/05 |
G |
C M Nguqu – Advocate (Advokaat) |
8616/05 |
H |
Z Ntshwanti – Advocate (Advokaat) |
7379/05 |
I |
N L Paile – Advocate (Advokaat) |
7702/05 |
J |
J J Zeeman – Advocate (Advokaat) |
7175/05 |
K |
A G Berry – Removal from roll of advocates & Admission as Attorney (Verwydering van die rol Van Advokate & toelating as Prokureur) |
9208/05 |
L |
P F Goosen – Attorney & Conveyancer (Prokureur & Aktebesorger) |
8552/05 |
M |
E B Adams – Attorney (Prokureur) |
9234/05 |
N |
H Bawjee – Attorney (Prokureur) |
8422/05 |
O |
H Bloch – Attorney (Prokureur) |
8221/05 |
P |
A Blou – Attorney (Prokureur) |
4145/05 |
Q |
H E J F Fischat – Attorney (Prokureur) |
7793/05 |
R |
S Hendricks – Attorney (Prokureur) |
9115/05 |
S |
N Hurt – Attorney (Prokureur) |
7594/05 |
T |
R Solomon – Attorney (Prokureur) |
9062/05 |
U |
L C Visser – Attorney (Prokureur) |
7589/05 |
V |
F Berekur – Conveyancer (Aktebesorger) |
7452/05 |
W |
T Harneker – Conveyancer (Aktebesorger) |
9109/05 |
X |
M C Jacobs – Conveyancer (Aktebesorger) |
8628/05 |
Y |
L J Kerr – Conveyancer (Prokureur) |
9374/05 |
Z |
M Z N Solomon – Conveyancer (Aktebesorger) |
8131/05 |
AA |
H Van Rooyen – Conveyancer (Transportbesorger) |
9156/05 |
BB |
S Van Wyk – Conveyancer (Transportbesorger) |
8693/05 |
CC |
I T Wicomb- Conveyancer (Prokureur) |
8865/05 |
DD |
G Combrink – Notary (Notaris) |
9184/05 |
EE |
N Pansegrouw – Notary (Notaris) |
8687/05 |
FF |
A M Goosen – Sworn Translator (Geswore Vertaler) |
10012/05 |
GG |
Mr A Inal – Sworn Translator (Geswore Vertaler) |
10289/05 |
HH |
C Mars – Sworn Translator (Geswore Vertaler) |
10011/05 |