What to do when there is a fire
- Get out of the house and stay out.
- Crawl on your hands and knees under the smoke.
- Don't try to gather photo albums or passports – rather get out.
- Once outside, never try to go back into the house to fetch a pet or anything else.
What to do if your clothes catch on fire
- Stop. Never run.
- Drop and then cover your face with your hands.
- Roll to put out the flames
- If someone is burnt, gently pour cold water onto the burn. If the burn is over a large area keep the person warm as they can go into shock.
- Get medical attention for any type of burn.

How to use paraffin safely
- Keep paraffin and matches in areas that children cannot reach.
- Store paraffin in a glass bottle -never use milk cartons or cool drink bottles.
- Turn appliances off and put out all flames when you leave home or go to sleep.
- Use sand to extinguish paraffin fires, not water! Keep a bucket of sand nearby.
- If a child swallows paraffin, don't give them anything to eat or drink. Never force them to vomit. Take the child to the doctor immediately.
Plan ahead
- Have a fire safety plan and make sure that everyone knows how to evacuate the home during a fire.
- Know your emergency numbers: 10177 from a landline and 112 from a cellphone
What is a flood?

Here are some important flood tips to help you and your family:
- Get to know your community's emergency plans, warning signals, evacuation routes and locations of emergency shelters.
- During severe storms, listen to your local radio or TV stations. Stay up-to-date on possible flood warnings and reports of flooding in progress.
- Be prepared to evacuate quickly. Have all your essential items gathered in advance.
- Head for higher ground. If you are outside or in your home and a flood takes place, you should always look for higher ground.
- Avoid flood waters. If you are driving and come upon a flooded road, turn around and drive the other way.
- Be careful in the dark. Evacuating in the evening is very dangerous as flood hazards may be hard to see.
- Be aware of electricity and animals in flood water when cleaning up after a flood.
Calling for help
- From a cellphone call 112
- From a landline call 10177
- When you phone, give the full address and a landmark such as a shop or school close to the flood or fire to help emergency service providers to find you quickly.
Fire Safety Programmes
The content on this page was last updated on 30 November 2022