What is a Social Grant?
A social grant is a sum of money paid by the government through the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to qualifying South African citizens.
Who is SASSA?
SASSA is a Section 3A public entity and is the main government institution responsible for paying the right grant to the right person at a location which is most convenient to that person.
What are the Different Types of Grants Focusing on Children?
Who Can Apply for a Child Support Grant?
What Do You Need?
A 13-digit green bar-coded South African Identity Document (ID) or a birth certificate for the children you are applying for. However, if you don't have any of these, you nearest SASSA office will be able to help you with an alternative application process.
The Application Process
You can apply at the nearest SASSA office.
If you are unable to go to the office because of old age or ill health, a family member, relative or friend can apply on your behalf.
Ensure that when your application is process in finished you are issued with a receipt; this receipt is your only proof that your application was processed.
SASSA will not ask for money when processing your application; any officer stating otherwise will be committing fraud and must be reported to the police or the SASSA grant hotline on 0800 601 011.
If for some reason your application is unsuccessful, SASSA will let you know in writing why the application was not approved.
You have a right to request that SASSA reconsiders the application within 90 days of being notified of the unsuccessful application.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have a right to appeal to the Minister of Social Development.
How is Your Grant Paid?
If you grant is approved, payment will backdate to the date on which you applied.
You grant can be paid through the following methods:
If you are unable to collect the grant yourself you may nominate a family member, relative or friend to collect it on your behalf.
What is the Value of a Child Support Grant?
As of April 2011, the child support grant has a value of R260.00.
When Can a Grant be Suspended?
A grant may be suspended due to the following reasons:
Reporting Grant Fraud
It is your responsibility to report any suspected fraudulent or corrupt activities relating to social grants. You can do so by phoning SASSA's grants and fraud hotline on 0800 601 011.
You can visit the Reporting Fraud and Corruption page for more information on how to report corruption and maladministration by government officials.
How to Contact SASSA?
SASSA Western Cape Regional Office:
20th floor
Golden Acre
Adderley Street
Cape Town
Tel: 021 469 0200
Fax: 021 469 0260
Web: http://www.sassa.gov.za
You can also contact a Social Development office nearest to you where you will get information about applying and renewing child support grants.