Even careful buyers sometimes encounter problems with goods they have purchased or a service they have utilised. If you have a consumer related query, you can follow the process below:
First go back to the business
- Contact the business you dealt with as soon as possible
- Identify the specific problem and support it with evidence such as the damaged item, the contract or receipts. When working with documents, keep the originals and work only with copies
- Be Clear on how you want your complaint to be resolved. Would you like a refund, repair or something else
- First Try to resolve the matter directly with the person responsible for the transaction
- If this fails, go up the line of authority as far as necessary (manager, customer service representative, etc.)
- Document your steps. Write down the details of your complaint. Note to whom you spoke and the date on which the conversations took place
- Make a genuine attempt to settle the dispute yourself
Contact the Office of the Consumer Protector if you haven't reached the desirable outcome.
The content on this page was last updated on 7 March 2022