BEE Procurement Opportunities within Municipality
SCM is responsible for ensuring sound; sustainable and accountable supply chain management, which adheres to the principles of a procurement system that is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective, in accordance with the Constitution of South Africa. A complaints register is currently in place for all aggrieved parties to be completed, after which due processes will follow.
A gift Register is maintained within every directorate to record all gifts received under the amount of R350.
Tenders can be obtained via the or in the local and regional newspapers.
For more information contact:
Manager: Supply Chain Management
Dalleel Jacobs
Tel: 021 807 4877
Fax: 021 708 4898
Acquisitions and Disposal: Enquiries
Larry Koekemoer / Amanda Swart
Tel: 021 807 6200
021 807 4629
Contract Management: Enquiries
Clive Adams
Tel: 021 807 4876
Tenders and Evaluation: Enquiries
Jacqueline Sauls / Clive Adams
Tel: 021 807 4628
021 807 4628
SCM performance, risk and compliance
Cindy Hess
Tel: 021 807 6248