Thank you for attending the Premier's Council on Skills event on 19 March 2019.
Download the Plenary Feedback Report here
Employer's Recognition Awards These companies played a influencing role in opening up gainful workplace based training opportunities, leveraged funds to impact skills development in a number of areas and have supported the game changer. The 7 award recipients are showcased below during the award ceremony at Premier's Council on Skills on 19 March 2019. Congratulations to the seven companies that were recognized by Premier Helen Zille. Doringbaai Abalone was not present however was recognised during the Premier's Council on Skills event .
Premier's Award Premier Helen Zille was recognized for her leadership, contribution and support to the Apprenticeship Game Changer programme and skills development in the Western Cape. As a key driver for youth and their inclusion in the economy, Premier Helen Zille leaves behind a legacy that has created real value and will continue to do so in the future. |
For presentations and videos showcased during the event, please see your relevant category below: