Your upcoming matric examinations are very important for your future. The success of your exams will depend on how much you have prepared for them. The results of your matric examinations will determine whether you'll proceed to your next level of studies.
The Western Cape Education Department's (WCED) Examinations Support website provides Grade 12 learners with the following information and tips:
The Matric Support website provides;
There are also other Matric support resources available:
1) Our exciting ePortal provides access to a growing resource of online content, including content relating to the Grade 12 curriculum. Browse the content via the drop-down lists of subjects and topics, or search by keyword using the search function.
2) The National Education Department's education portal, Thutong also provides study support. You will find an extensive variety of resources for Grade 12 learners on their Support for Matrics page, including:
Some overall tips and suggestions to help you prepare for your examinations:
Preparation is key:
Design a plan:
On exam day:
Dealing with stress
Your final matric examinations can be a stressful time, so you should start preparing well ahead of time. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed chat to someone you can trust, like a family member, friend, schoolteacher or counsellor.
For more information
If you need any more information, please visit the Western Cape Education Department’s examination page, or call the examination hotline at 021 467 2300 or email them at
Past papers and matric revision videos
Past papers and eLearning resources are available to you online, as well as videos that will help you prepare for your upcoming examinations.