This easy-to-read pamphlet provides information on fundamental human rights and how the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) can assist you if your rights have been infringed.
What is the SAHRC?
The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) is a national institution. It was set up to support constitutional democracy. It's committed to promoting respect for, observance of and protection of human rights for everyone without fear or favour.
The SAHRC is made up of a Commission and a Secretariat.
The Commission
The Commissioners are the public face of the Commission. They represent the organisation at national, regional and international gatherings. Commissioners provide guidance in developing the vision of the institution. They do this by setting the priorities and ensuring that the policies, programmes and allocated resources are consistent with their vision.
The chairperson of SAHRC is Professor Bongani Christopher Majola and the deputy chairperson is Mrs Devikarani Priscilla Sewpal Jana. The Commission has up to 8 commissioners, including the chairperson and the deputy chairperson.
The Secretariat
The Secretariat is responsible for the implementation of the organisational strategy of the Commission and is led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Advocate Tseliso Thipanyane. As the head of the executive, the CEO, with the support of about 150 staff members, carries out the mandate of the Commission. The secretariat has offices in all 9 provinces and a Head Office in Johannesburg.
The Secretariat focuses on 5 strategic objectives:
What does the SAHRC do?
The SAHRC was set up by the Constitution to:
How to report human rights violations to the SAHRC
If your case is a violation of one of the rights in the Bill of Rights, and it is not the type of case dealt with by another organisation, you can report it to the SAHRC by:
Email the Legal Services Department of the SAHRC in the language of your choice.
Getting a complaints form from the SAHRC, completing it and emailing it to
SAHRC Western Cape
7th Floor ABSA building, 132 Adderley Street, Cape Town
Tel: 021 426 2277
Fax: 021 426 2875
The bill of rights
To build a culture of human rights, it’s important for every citizen to know their rights and understand their responsibilities. The SAHRC protects and promotes human rights for all the people of South Africa. The following is a simple version of the Bill of Rights. For the full version, please read Chapter 2 of the Constitution.
Equality |
You cannot be discriminated against. But affirmative action and fair discrimination are allowed. |
Human dignity |
Your dignity must be respected and protected. |
Life |
You have the right to life. |
Freedom and security of the person |
You cannot be detained without trial, tortured or punished cruelly. You are free from all forms of violence from either public or private sources. |
Slavery, servitude and forced labour |
Slavery, servitude and forced labour are not allowed. |
Privacy |
You cannot be searched or have your home or possessions searched, without the proper procedures being followed by the police. |
Freedom of religion, belief and opinion |
You can believe and think whatever you want and can follow the religion of your choice. |
Freedom of expression |
You have the freedom to say, write or print (including the press) whatever you want. This right, however, must not violate anyone else’s right or break the law. |
Assembly, demonstration, picket and petition |
You can hold a demonstration, picket and present a petition. But you must do this peacefully and unarmed. |
Freedom of association |
You can associate with whomever you want to. |
Political rights |
You can support the political party of your choice. If you are a citizen, and at least 18 years old, you can vote. |
Citizenship |
Your citizenship cannot be taken away from you. |
Freedom of movement and residence |
You can go and live anywhere in South Africa. |
Freedom of trade, occupation and profession |
You can do whatever work you choose. |
Labour relations |
You may join trade unions and go on strike. |
Environment |
You have the right to a healthy environment. |
Property |
Your property can only be taken away from you if the proper rules are followed. |
Housing |
You have the right to have access to adequate housing. |
Health care, food, water and social security |
You have the right to have access to food and water; health care and social security. |
Children |
All children have the right to parental care, shelter and food. Children are not to be neglected, abused or forced to work. |
Education |
You have the right to basic education, including adult basic education and to further education. |
Language and culture |
You can use the language you want to and follow the culture that you choose. |
Cultural, religious and linguistic communities |
Communities can enjoy their own culture; practice their religion, and use their language. |
Access to information |
You have the right to any information. |
Just administrative action |
You have the right to administrative action that’s lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair. |
Access to courts |
You can have a legal problem decided by a court or a similar structure. |
Arrested, detained and accused persons |
These rights protect people arrested, imprisoned or accused of a crime. |