Short Courses at Gene Louw Traffic College | Western Cape Government

Short Courses at Gene Louw Traffic College

GLTC Short courses

Gene Louw Traffic College offers various short and refresher courses allowing employers and employees in the traffic fraternity the opportunity to keep abreast of legislation and new technology.


Course Fees: (Daily Tariff) Contact Us

(Course are fees subject to change annually as per Provincial Treasury regulations) 

  • A minimum of 10 or more attendees is required for all courses listed below.
Course Description Duration
Overload control
  • Students will learn how to enforce the law at traffic control centres and weighbridges.
One week
Motor vehicle inspectors

Students will learn how to:

  • Identify stopping areas
  • Comply with professional and ethical standards and conduct when dealing with the occupants of stopped vehicles
  • Communicate the reason for stopping the vehicle and the procedure for inspecting the vehicle with the driver in a professional manner
Two weeks
Speed training
  • Students will learn how to prepare, set up, and operate traffic law enforcement equipment according to the manufacturer’s specifications approved by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS).

Minimum of Three days

(Dependent on the client's request.)

Roadside examination of vehicles
  • Students will learn how to identify vehicle fitness status and take suitable roadside action.
One week
National Land Transport Act
  • Students will learn the systems and processes related to land transport regulations.
One week
Draeger Operator
  • Students will learn how to prepare, set-up and operate the Drager according to the manufacturer’s specifications approved by the SABS.
4 Weeks
On site gap analysis
  • The official’s actual performance is compared to his/her ideal performance. Measures are then put in place so that the official can reach his/her ideal performance.
Dependent on client's request.
Traffic Officer refresher training Dependent on client's request.
Examiner of Vehicles (EOV) refresher Dependent on client's request.
Examiner for Driving Licence (EDL) refresher Dependent on client's request.
Traffic Warden training
  • Students will learn how to apply knowledge of road traffic legislation pertaining to traffic officers, road users and vehicles.
Dependent on client's request.


Application form: To be requested

Please be advised that the above-mentioned form is not to apply for employment (Job).

Other Learning Programmes

View the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information.

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The content on this page was last updated on 20 September 2024