We will play a leadership role in the tourism ecosystem in order to align planning from a National level through the NDT Tourism Sector Strategy as well as the SAT 5-in-5 plan. Through the Western Cape Tourism Blueprint 2030 the tourism products, activities as well as growth potential will be identified.
It is necessary that this research and strategic linkages which will give effect to the Blueprint are aligned in the current eco-system at a National, Regional and Local level.
The tourist guiding sector in South Africa is governed by the National Tourism Act 3 of 2014 and the Regulation to tourist guiding. As set out in the Act and Regulation, the National Registrar and the Provincial Registrars of Tourist Guides are responsible for the registration, regulation and development of tourist guides.
As a regulatory body, it is imperative to ensure the tourist guiding sector continually meets the needs of the visiting tourists. It is equally important to equip tourist guides with the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance the service that they provide and to effectively address the challenges facing the sector.
The unit will enhance and create an awareness of tourism product offering by developing and regulating a sustainable tourist guiding sub-sector, in line with the legislative mandate.
Tourism cannot be operated by the tourist guides which are not registered in our country. Registration of tourist guides not only will it assist us to regulate the industry, but it also helps to know who is doing what where, thereby assisting in the case of criminal activity that might arise. The office will be able to trace that eventuality. Inspection will assist in eradicating illegal guiding in the country. This also helps our office to encourage illegal guides to become registered and become legally registered guides. Also, we emphasise the benefits of lawful guiding in South Africa.
Our five-year strategy as well as both VIP 1 (Safe and Cohesive Communities) as well as VIP 2 (Growth and Jobs) prioritises tourism safety by ensuring the destination is safe and crime is mitigated, which will in turn contribute to the growth and development of this sector by assuring tourists abroad and locally of a safe and secure experience.
Not only will tourism safety contribute to the rise in visitor numbers but will indirectly contribute to the Department’s objectives of reducing unemployment by creating enabling conditions for economic growth and providing a leadership role to crucial sectors within the Western Cape economy. When one tries to define Tourism Safety one realises that there is no definition written down whereby one can grasp the scope of Tourism Safety. What is clearly stated is that “safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than any other economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to provide a safe and secure environment for visitors”.
Tourism Destination Marketing will contribute to the Western Cape’s Tourism Blueprint 2030 by developing, managing and implementing trade and consumer marketing initiatives. These initiatives will contribute to the increased awareness, attractiveness and accessibility of the destination.
Implementation is a transversal approach with the us, regional and local tourism offices and private sector to deliver actions designed to improve the awareness, attractiveness and accessibility to the destination. One of the challenges the unit faces is limited funding to compete on a global scale, with regard to marketing campaigns.