On 6 March 2018, Western Cape Finance Minister, Ivan Meyer, delivered the 2018/19 provincial budget speech.
In his speech, Minister Meyer outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year.
The 2018 Western Cape Budget places a particular importance on formulating a budget which places people and creating a public value at the centre of budget policy.
This includes making the Provincial Strategic Plan 2014 - 2019 and Game Changers happen and include prioritising inclusive, sustainable and smart growth.
The 2018 Western Cape Budget will focus on:
The Western Cape Government will continue to affirm its established fiscal and budget policy principles of allocative efficiency, fiscal sustainability, fiscal consolidation and fiscal discipline.
The 2018 Western Cape Budget provides total expenditure amounting to R62.705 billion in 2018/2019; R64.782 billion in 2019/2020; R68.558 billion in 2020/2021.
Over the next three years, the Western Cape Government will be spending money where it is most needed and where it will be most effective. This includes:
To learn more about the Western Cape Government's financial policy please read the following:
Read previous budget speeches
Western Cape Budget Speech 2018
Western Cape Budget Speech 2017
Western Cape Budget Speech 2016
Western Cape Budget Speech 2015
Western Cape Budget Speech 2014
Western Cape Budget Speech 2013
Western Cape Budget Speech 2012
Western Cape Budget Speech 2011
WATCH: Highlights of the 2018 Budgte Speech: