The brand new Khayelitsha Shared Services Centre, commissioned by the Department of Transport and Public Works for the provincial departments of agriculture, education, social development and health, is expected to be fully occupied by the end of May. Administrative staff will work from here to support the delivery of government services in the Cape Town metropolitan municipality.
This R85.6 million building is the first public building in the Western Cape to be awarded a Five Star Green Star Design Rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa. The building is centrally located and close to the main transport interchanges. It features a safe and clearly marked walking route that separates pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
The inside temperature is automatically adjusted during the night to provide a comfortable and productive environment for employees when they arrive at work. There is natural light in 85% of the offices, and 90% of offices enjoy views of the outside environment. Other “green” features include a waste recycling storage area on the lower ground floor, recycling bins in all the office areas, toilets with a dual flush system, waterless urinals, and a rainwater harvesting system to reduce the facility’s water consumption.
The following services will be provided from the Khayelitsha Shared Services Centre:
The Department continues to create Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) work opportunities through its infrastructure and related projects. A total of R5.2 million was spent on local sub-contractors, R5.6 million on local appointments, and R423 951 on local suppliers.
The Khayelitsha Services Centre is another demonstration of the commitment of the Department of Transport and Public works to a balanced provincial government building infrastructure portfolio that promotes integration, accessibility, sustainability, equity, environmental awareness, economic growth, and social empowerment.
Follow the Department on Twitter @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #constructionWC.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za