On 1 January 2019 (New Year’s Day), the births of 22 babies* have been reported by public health facilities throughout the Western Cape, comprising 10 boys and 12 girls.
The first, a boy, was born at 00:00 at Mowbray Maternity Hospital, weighing 3 300 g and 51 cm in length, to mother Zahraah Abrahams. The second, a boy born at 00:13 at Paarl Hospital, weighing 3 650 g and 55 cm in length, to mother Noluyeye Plati. The third, a girl born at 00:16 at Worcester Community Day Centre, weighing 2 800 g and 45 cm in length, to mother Mellody Bhulawa.
To date, Paarl Hospital has been the busiest since Midnight with five births reported thus far, followed by three births each at Groote Schuur Hospital and Mowbray Maternity Hospital.
"I would like to congratulate all new parents on the birth of their babies on this New Year’s Day. We wish them the very best with new additions to their families. We continue to emphasize that the first 1000 days of a child’s life is very important. Provide them with a safe environment and good nutrition," says Western Cape Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo.
The Western Cape Government Health congratulates the parents on the safe delivery of all the new arrivals today. We also extend a sincere thank you to all our staff members, including midwives, for their hard work and dedication on this special day.
* Kindly note that the number is subject to change as more births are reported during the day.
The next updated press statement will be issued at 14:00 today
Natalie Watlington
Communications Officer: Southern Western Sub-structure
Western Cape Government Health
Cell: 081 277 0516 (whatsapp/ call for soundbites)