The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, notes that the Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) has conducted 305 investigations into licensed liquor vendors reportedly contravening the Western Cape Liquor Act and the Disaster Management Act’s Regulations between 27 March and 18 December 2020. Of the 305 investigations conducted, 51 licenses were suspended, 4 licenses were revoked and 1 was cancelled.
Minister Fritz further welcomes the 113 enforcement operations conducted over the past week, particularly in Khayelitsha. “The inspections assist in mitigating alcohol related harms, particular as communities such as Khayelitsha are experiencing a surge in trauma admissions related to alcohol consumption,” said Minister Fritz.
Minister Fritz said, “In 27 matters fines to the amount of R2.564 million were issued, of which an amount of R1.382 million was suspended for a period of 24 months on condition that the licence holder does not contravene the Act and licence conditions again during this period.”
Of these 305 matters, 88 section 71 matters were placed on the Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT) case roll, of which:
Of the 51 licences that were suspended, 49 section 71(4) return hearings took place, in which:
In total, 76 COVID-19 related section 20 matters were forwarded to the LLT, of which:
Enforcement operations over the past week
During the of week of 14 -20 December, operations were conducted resulting in:
Breakdown per area:
Minister Fritz said, “At present Khayelitsha Hospital is experiencing a surge in trauma related cases caused by alcohol consumption. At the same time, we are facing a COVID-19 resurgence and we must ensure that hospitals have enough capacity to respond to those with serious illness, while prevent alcohol-related trauma admissions. The work of the WCLA is therefore vital, and they are leaving no stone unturned to deal decisively with transgressors.”
Minister Fritz added, “I commend those liquor vendors who are continuing to comply with the Regulations and the Act. You are setting a standard for good business practice, making our communities safer and playing your part in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to do so during the festive period.”
Minister Fritz continued, “It is the responsibility of the license holder or manager of the licensed establishment to ensure the safety of patrons in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the Regulations. Many premises have done this successfully by implementing measures such as putting up signage regarding COVID-19 safety protocols, training staff to actively enforce these protocols, taking temperatures of patrons upon entry, preventing crowds and congestion by hiring security guards, operating within the stipulated trading hours and requesting assistance from SAPS and other law enforcement agencies where necessary.”
Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959