The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport along with Sailing South Africa, Western Cape, is sending five young sailors to compete in the 7th Qingdao International Sailing Week in Shandong Province, China from 7–17 August 2015.
“These youngsters were selected from over sixty-eight sailors in the Western Cape and will face tough competition in China from other sailing nations around the world.” says Bev Le Sueur, Western Cape Chairperson of South African Sailing (SAS).
The team comprises of team manager, Sieraj Jacobs, Nina Pienaar, Paul Vivian, Daniel Agulhas and Theo Yon. The sailors represent different yacht clubs and have been training vigorously for China.
This participation in China is a result of an agreement between the Western Cape Government and the Shandong Province, which hosts the Qingdao Sailing Centre – the centre that trains China’s Olympic Squad. “DCAS are only the enablers, but WC Sailing South Africa implemented and ensured that our sailors are given this opportunity“ says Thabo Tutu, DCAS Director for Sport Promotion.
Minister Anroux Marais wished the team well and said: “The selected five sailors have already and will undoubtedly continue to make us proud as they represent the province internationally.”
DCAS offers unique sporting opportunities through partnerships to youth. These partnerships creates an active province, BETTER TOGETHER.
Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877
E-mail: tania.colyn@westerncape.gov.za