The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) has launched the Integrated Youth Development Project in Bredasdorp.
The Project is led by the Department in partnership with the Cape Agulhas Municipality, and will coordinate the development of various youth initiatives for the towns of Bredasdorp, Arniston, Elim, Napier and Straaisbaai.
The first step in the Integrated Youth Development Project saw the launch of a youth hub facility based at the DSD Bredasdorp local office.
This facility is a temporary fixture, whilst the teams working under the Integrated Youth Development Project continue the work of finding a suitable space to establish what will become the Bredasdorp Youth Café.
The Department has contracted NGO partner, the Oasis, to assist with the hub and render services to young people on behalf of the Department.
The Department was represented by DSD Chief Director of Community Development, Mzwandile Hewu, who was joined by officials from the Youth Programme, the non-government organization Oasis, the Cape Agulhas Deputy Mayor, Cllr Zukiswa Tonisi, and young people from the local community.
Along with a good cup of coffee, the youth hub will provide high-speed internet access and computer access to budding entrepreneurs and aspirant job-seekers.
The work of establishing the Bredasdorp Youth Café is at an advanced stage, and the Department will be ready to launch the facility this quarter. More information on Youth Cafés can be obtained from our mobi-site by clicking on www.westerncape.gov.za/youth-cafe.
The Department will continue to roll out services and opportunities to young people, and has allocated R17.7-million this financial year to youth services.
Sihle Ngobese
Spokesperson for Albert Fritz, Minister of Social Development
Western Cape Government
7th floor, 14 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8000
Tel : (021) 483 9217
Cell : 076 083 6543
Email : Sihle.Ngobese@westerncape.gov.za