The Provincial Minister of Transport and Public Works, Bonginkosi Madikizela, will shortly publish, in the Provincial Gazette, a Notice calling for public comments on the allocation of a new provincial licence mark to all the registering authorities of the Western Cape.
Regulation 27(4) of the National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000, promulgated in terms of the National Road Traffic Act (93 of 1996), determines that the MEC may, by way of notice in the Provincial Gazette, allocate a new licence mark to any registering authority or establish a new licence number system for the province concerned. This move is a pre-emptive one, driven by the rate at which the current “CAA” and “CAW” licence numbers are fast depleting (“CAG” will replace “CAW” for the greater George-area most likely in the next 6-weeks in line with Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 7884, dated 26 February 2018, while “CAA” for Cape Town will run out by January 2020).
Similar to the situation a few years ago in Gauteng, a new licence mark will soon be necessary for all vehicles in the province. The proposed change to a provincial licence mark, will eliminate any further challenges relating to individual licence marks per registering authority. The Department is considering the option to provide for a transition period of 5-years, during which the public will have to convert to the new system. Personalised WP licence numbers will not be affected by this new system.
As at 3 November 2019, 76 212 CAA-numbers have been allocated since its introduction on 13 April 2019. The Department made a few proposals on a new licence mark to the Provincial Minister for Transport and Public Works who tabled it for discussion by the Provincial Cabinet. Any person or organisation wishing to comment on the content of the intended notice will be requested to lodge the comments in writing before or on the date referred to in the Notice as published in the Provincial Gazette.
A statement will be released calling for comment once the date of the publishing of the Provincial Gazette has been finalised.
Jandré Bakker
Head of Communication
Department of Transport and Public Works
Email: Jandre.Bakker@westerncape.gov.za
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