On 13 March 2022, a team of orthopaedic surgeons and alumni from Tygerberg Hospital’s Orthopaedic Unit completed a wet and rainy 2022 Cape Town Cycle race.
The R 66 000 raised will help to change the lives of 26 children born with clubfoot. Dr Renier Kriel, Orthopaedic Registrar at Tygerberg Hospital, said: ‘When I was a medical student, I learnt about clubfoot early in my career. I think the more people are aware in the rural and unreached communities, the earlier they can get help, and the better the outcome will be for all our patients. Clubfoot treatment is very fulfilling, as we see how children progress from immobility to mobility, so it seemed apt to us to raise funds through something that demands physical mobility like the Cape Town Cycle Tour.
STEPS Clubfoot Care’s patient-centred support programme works with 35 partner clinics nationally, including the clubfoot clinic at Tygerberg Hospital; a partnership that has been in place since 2013.
‘In South Africa, STEPS CHARITY NPC is the only non-profit focused on clubfoot treatment and, since its establishment in 2005, has enabled more than 15 000 children to access the Ponseti Method of treatment,’ said Karen Moss, founder of STEPS. ‘We were established in response to the huge need for clubfoot treatment support in Southern Africa. Less than 8% of patients have access to health insurance or the means to pay for treatment. Since clubfoot is a treatable condition, we had to do something to help children avoid a life of disability. The Ponseti Method was successful with my own child and so I have worked to introduce it to South Africa and neighbouring countries to try and assist all parents whose children are born with the same condition.’
Prof. Jacques Du Toit, Associate Professor and Head of the Orthopaedics Division at Tygerberg Hospital, said: ‘As STEPS medical director over the past 10 years, I have seen the impact of what can be achieved with partnership between a non-profit organisation and the public health sector. The result has been a sustainable and effective solution to clubfoot treatment with a model that is tailored to work in our local conditions.’
Dr Kriel concluded: ‘It was a gruelling race and a huge amount of fun. Riding for a worthy cause like STEPS has made it so much more enjoyable!’
About clubfoot
Clubfoot is the most common musculoskeletal birth defect globally. The baby is born with one or both feet twisted downwards and inwards, in a rigid position. If left untreated, the child will be unable to wear shoes or walk normally, leading to a life of disability, isolation and pain. Unlike many other birth defects, clubfoot is treatable.
Founded by Karen Moss in 2005, STEPS is a South African based NPO supporting babies born with clubfoot across South Africa (and further). Moss introduced the non-invasive Ponseti Method to South Africa after the 100% successful clubfoot treatment of her own son in 2003 by Dr Ignaçio Ponseti, the innovative pioneer of the Ponseti Method of treatment. STEPS’ work has resulted in thousands of children having access to effective treatment who would otherwise have lived a life of disability. Visit: https://steps.org.za.